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A thin, flexible camera tube is used under sedation to examine the lining of the (rectum, colon, terminal ileum).

This allows screening, diagnosis and therapy of polyps and several other gastrointestinal diseases.

Patient information:


The information here is a guide only and does not replace my discussions with you on the day of consultation.




Bowel preparation is needed for checking the Colon(large Bowel).

You will be advised to fast prior to the procedure, and the updated details will be given to you from my rooms or nursing team depending on timing  of procedure.

This procedure is used if you experience these problems:


-Change in bowel habit(diarrhoea or constipation)

-Pain in tummy

-Bleeding (Non visible or visible)


These problems can be caused by: Inflammation or infection, Polyps (Growths), diverticular disease, and not commonly cancer



What happens during the procedure?


-The camera will be checking the lining of large bowel(colon),and end part of small bowel.

-The pictures will be taken during the procedure for confirmation of findings.

-If there is an inflamed/ suspicious tissue a small piece of tissue may be taken. This is painless.

-In case there are small growths (polyps) on the lining of colon I will take small piece of these or remove them with the help of wire loop (Snare) which will be sent to the lab to be assessed under microscope. These are generally not cancerous but if left untreated can develop into cancer.


- What are the risks of this procedure?

Uncommon risks:

-bleeding as a result of the procedure

-Heart or lung problems such as chest infection may occur.

Rare risks:

 -A hole may occur and often surgery will be required.

-procedure cannot be completed due to technical difficulties.

-Severe allergy to medication may occur.


After the procedure:


-I will notify you of the findings after you wake up from the procedure

- You generally can have normal diet and there are no restrictions after sedation

- Your heart rate, breathing rate, Blood pressure and temperature and your blood oxygen levels will be checked regularly.

-You must not drive, operate machinery, sign legal documents or make important decision for 24 hours after the sedative anaesthetic

- You must have a responsible person to escort you home and stay with you for the 24 hours after the procedure

What costs to be incurred from this practice?

There will be No out of pocket expenses for your colonoscopy from my service. Your health fund will be billed directly. When you present to my rooms for consultation, this is not covered by your private health funds. You will get some of the money for outpatient consultations back from Medicare.

There may be an out pocket expenses for anaesthetic services depending on your level of cover.Please contact Downs anaesthetics for further details.

You should ask them ahead of time about this cost. You will also have to pay any hospital excesses that your policy dictates. We will provide you with contact details after consultation so you could check ahead of time.

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